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  • What reasonable adjustments can I ask for an autistic child?
    May 15, 2024 SpecialKids .Company

    What reasonable adjustments can I ask for an autistic child?

    Knowing your rights and your child’s rights, particularly when they have special educational support needs (SEND), is important to ensure that they have all the necessary support to help them at school. Reasonable adjustments are changes that are made for children with SEND to ensure that they are supported and not disadvantaged at all compared to other children. The Equality Act (2010) supports this.
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  • Autism Meltdown Symptoms And Coping Techniques In Adults
    April 19, 2024 SpecialKids .Company

    Autism Meltdown Symptoms And Coping Techniques In Adults

    If a person with autism becomes so overwhelmed that they cannot control their behaviour, this response is known as a meltdown. A meltdown can be presented in different ways – verbally or physically. For example, a person might shout and cry or they might lash out, kicking or biting. It’s important to recognise that an autism meltdown is not intentional bad behaviour.
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  • Tips For Decorating an Autism Friendly Christmas Tree
    November 20, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    Tips For Decorating an Autism Friendly Christmas Tree

    Christmas can be overwhelming for children with autism. There can be a lot of changes to routine and a lot of things that can be hard for children with sensory processing difficulties, such as bright lights, loud music and different smells. A Christmas tree is a traditional part of many families' Christmas. For those whose children can tolerate having a Christmas tree in their house, here are some tips that you might find helpful for decorating it.
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  • Autism and haircuts: strategies for autistic children
    November 13, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    Autism and haircuts: strategies for autistic children

    Lots of children with autism have sensory processing issues which means that things that might be simple for neurotypical children, are incredibly hard and distressing for them. One thing that a lot of autistic children have in common is haircut anxiety. The entire experience can be completely overwhelming, from the change and the noise to the feel of getting their hair cut. In this blog, SpecialKids Company will help you in preparing children with autism for haircuts.
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  • Are iPads and tablets helpful for children with autism?
    October 9, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    Are iPads and tablets helpful for children with autism?

    iPads and tablets can be a source of unnecessary guilt for many parents. Lots of children with autism use these devices a lot and may have a lot of screen time, which can sometimes be frowned upon by those who think that they know better. But should you feel guilty about your child being attached to their device?
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  • Tips on Getting Kids with Autism to Try Colourful Foods
    August 10, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    Tips on Getting Kids with Autism to Try Colourful Foods

    Sensory processing issues have a lot to do with this because colours, textures, smells and tastes can be extremely overwhelming for autistic children and can have a huge impact on how they feel. A lot of colourful foods, such as fruit and vegetables, can change in taste depending on the season and this can be problematic for children who like routine and predictability. In this blog, we will provide you with some suggestions of things that you can try to encourage your child to try colourful foods.
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