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  • What are the benefits of social stories for children with autism?
    June 29, 2024 SpecialKids .Company

    What are the benefits of social stories for children with autism?

    For some children with autism, communication can be difficult. They might be unable to talk, have limited speech or have situational / selective mutism. Further to this, some children may be cognitively impaired and find it difficult to understand certain situations. These children may benefit from communication aids, one such aid being a social story.
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  • Tips on Getting Kids with Autism to Try Colourful Foods
    August 10, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    Tips on Getting Kids with Autism to Try Colourful Foods

    Sensory processing issues have a lot to do with this because colours, textures, smells and tastes can be extremely overwhelming for autistic children and can have a huge impact on how they feel. A lot of colourful foods, such as fruit and vegetables, can change in taste depending on the season and this can be problematic for children who like routine and predictability. In this blog, we will provide you with some suggestions of things that you can try to encourage your child to try colourful foods.
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  • three children laying on the grass with books over their faces
    June 12, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    Our Top 8 Children’s Books about Autism

    If you are a parent carer to a child with autism, chances are you have searched on the internet for recommended children’s books to explain autism to a child. Books sometimes have the words that we cannot find or put together and they can be incredibly helpful when you want to explain something in the best way possible. To save you time searching the internet, in this blog we aim to give you a list of the best books on autism for children.
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