In order for me to function during my daily life it is crucially important that I sleep well. If ever I don’t attain the sleep that I need, several ailments come along with fatigue which make it impossible for me...
Since the very beginning of my life, I have always experienced anxiety about unpredictability. These episodes aren’t just mere moments of daily stress either. On the contrary, whenever an unexpected change happens my natural reaction is to completely lose control, and have intense meltdowns where I’m uncontrollably yelling as well as thrashing around on the floor. Now I have learned mindfulness exercises (of which I’ll soon discuss) that enable me to gradually pull my mind out of the terror.
Recently a documentary film about me and my family (named Because We Have Each Other) has been released to the world, and in April/May of 2023 we travelled to Toronto for our screening at the HotDocs International Film Festival. As we live in Brisbane this was my longest journey since the “pre-pandemic days”. In fact the last time I visited a destination that far away was when we travelled to Florida in 2011. We’ve visited California countless times, yet the North American east coast is another six or seven hours of flying from there.