We’re overloaded with so much in life that by adulthood finding our true interests and passions can seem much like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The Oxford dictionary definition of that metaphorical phrase is: "Something that is almost impossible to find because it is hidden among so many other things." This phrase fits so well when it comes to this issue. Yet no matter how many things seemingly bury our true passions and interests, there is still a way of recognising what they are even by the time we’re older children or adults. There are indeed several ways in which we can do so and here are just a few of them!
Firstly, what do you find yourself doing subconsciously in your free time? This tells us a lot because it shows us what we ourselves do naturally. From this we’ll know what kind of work we have a true interest or passion for when it’s natural, and doesn’t feel like a complete chore to us.
For instance in my spare time I find myself going through all the years of my life (every year for the past 28 years) and reflecting upon my thoughts, feelings and experiences. That made me realise that a career as a blogger, writer of books, and a motivational speaker would suit me well. All three of those things involve me having to express those constant thoughts going through my mind into written and spoken words.
As we all know, nothing in life ever involves no work at all. Yet something else that indicates a true interest or passion is that we’ll be willing to put in extra work if need be. There are some days where I have to get up in the early hours of the morning and/or go to bed at past midnight to catch up on work. In cases like that my will to continue doing my work is tested. Though I soon come to the decision that I need to sometimes sacrifice what I want to do in the present moment in order to make me feel happier in the time of the future.
Also, whenever we’re truly passionate about something, we’ll find ourselves not being swayed from it if negative experiences happen (even if those experiences arrive from the job itself). Fairly often I come across people who give me criticism for the work I do. However despite it hurting at times, I prioritise my goals in regards to my career over dwelling on mean (and sometimes very mean) comments.
Thus there’s an important thing for us to ask ourselves before we start a new job, begin studying a new course, or before we commit ourselves to any new project. What we must ask ourselves is whether or not we’d be willing to work all day and/or all night on it, if need be. By doing that we’ll know that we’re truly passionate about the topic or project.
So there’s how we can find that metaphorical needle in the haystack, and when we’re truly passionate about something we will and always will have been motivated to continue learning about it.